我看著他們訴說著他們的故事,看到他們眼中的憤怒/無奈/傷痛 ,是的,我都心疼到心坎裡,而我也知道,他們比誰都清楚他們必須放掉必須原諒,但是,他們就是辦不到。
“I believe that we shocked each other by how swiftly we went from being the people who knew each other best in the world to being a pair of the most mutually incomprehensible strangers who ever lived. “--”Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.
“You know what the worst thing about someone breaking up with you is? Remembering how little you really thought about the people you broke up with and realising that's how little they're thinking about you. You like to think you are both in so much pain, but really they're just relieved you're gone.” by Jesse (Before Sunrise)
“It always fascinated me how people go from loving you madly to nothing at all, nothing. It hurts so much.”--Two days in Paris
對我而言,This is reality.
對我而言,愛情不會抹滅也不會被取代,但它會被擱置在一個角落,因為....Life is moving on.